The first trimester nutrition and energy - PurerMama UK

The first trimester nutrition and energy

The First Trimester Challenges 

Pregnancy is a wonderful state and it’s an amazing time of growth and excitement. It Is however a time of transition. Some of us can ease into this and stay energised some of us find it more of a squeeze. Energy is important for avoiding physical and mental fatigue. But what can make it easier for us all? 

The first trimester challenge
There aren’t many women that get through this phase without any symptoms. The common ones 
1) Nausea
2) Vomiting
3) Dizziness
4) Tiredness
For tiredness and dizziness, make sure you keep well hydrated. Dehydration can lead to weakness, tiredness and make nausea worse. If water isn’t your thing, try adding a slice of fresh fruit, mint or ginger. Many women also find sucking on ice is a great way of easing thirst and vomiting. 
Nutrition tips 
Our protein requirements increase in pregnancy and are important to maintain our muscle mass and energy. You can get protein from foods such as eggs, meat, fish and beans. Slow release carbohydrates are good to give you energy across the whole day. These include, sweet potato, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice. Try to minimise refined sugars such as sweets which aren’t great for teeth in pregnancy and can give you short bursts of energy then drop suddenly to make you feel tired and hungry again. Nuts and seeds are great for energy and packed full of essential nutrients such as omega 3. Make sure you have a diet full of fruit and vegetables which are full of energy producing antioxidants.
There are many nutrients which are important for energy levels in pregnancy. These include iron, folate, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and vitamin C. These are all involved in the pathways of energy production in our body. Make sure you take a good supplement which contains good levels of these. Particularly iron and B vitamins which are important in preventing anaemia which is common in pregnancy.
One tip is to try a home-made smoothie packed with nutritious energy items such as flax seed, berries, oats and iron rich spinach; try adding in your supplement into your smoothie if you are finding it hard to take.
Nausea and vomiting tips 
Most people find that their nausea settles by week 12 to 14. 
You can try acupressure patches, ginger or pyridoxine supplements
If you are finding it particularly hard please see your doctor who can prescribe anti-sickness or intravenous hydration with B vitamins (Pabrinex) which many women find to be a life saver!!!
If your vomiting is excessive and you feel weak or dizzy you may be developing a condition called hyperemesis or HG which requires urgent hospital treatment
visit these websites for further support or information
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